Fores Komodo Tour

Flores Komodo Tour

Flores island located in the sea of the Eastern Indonesia between the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. Flores is most famous for two internationally renowned attractions such us Komodo Dragon and Kelimutu Lake. However, Flores is so much more than Komodo and Kelimutu. Nature lovers will find another kind of awesome spots on flores such us Island with pink and white sandy beaches, beautiful rice fields, a concert of birdsong, a swim in a hot spring, clear lake, cool river after a volcano track and cultural exploration (traditional village, traditional dance and ikat weaving). Flores’ natural wonders are not the only thing that make flores an unforgettable travel experience. The people of Flores will complete your journey with their open arms and heart-warming friendliness.

AWESOME KOMODO TOUR is always available to help you explore and experience the Beauty and Wonders of indonesia. We offer its guests an  two special option like overland and oversea. Each of these option gives a variety of relaxing activities that exhibit the nature and traditions of the magnificent island of Flores, Indonesia. There is no better time to plan a trip to this wonderful place than now. If you want to know more just contact us. We always offer personal attention, individual aproach and services for every budget and taste.

Flores island located in the sea of the Eastern Indonesia between the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. Flores is most famous for two internationally renowned attractions such us Komodo Dragon and Kelimutu Lake. However, Flores is so much more than Komodo and Kelimutu. Nature lovers will find another kind of awesome spots on Flores such us Island with pink and white sandy beaches, beautiful rice fields, a concert of birdsong, a swim in a hot spring, clear lake, cool river after a volcano treck and cultural exploration (traditional village, traditional dance and ikat weaving). 

If you want to know more just contact us. We always offer personal attention, individual approach and services for every budget and taste.

AWESOME KOMODO TOUR is always available to help you explore and experience the Beauty and Wonders of Indonesia. We offer its guests an 

two special option like overland and oversea. Each of these option gives a variety of relaxing activities that exhibit the nature and traditions of the magnificent island of Flores, Indonesia. There is no better time to plan a trip to this wonderful place than now. If you want to know more just contact us.

Flores island located in the sea of the Eastern Indonesia between the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. Flores is most famous for two internationally renowned attractions such us Komodo Dragon and Kelimutu Lake. However, Flores is so much more than Komodo and Kelimutu. Nature lovers will find another kind of awesome spots on Flores island  and Komodo National Park such us Island with pink and white sandy beaches, beautiful rice fields, a concert of birdsong, a swim in a hot spring, clear lake, cool river after a volcano track and cultural exploration (traditional village, traditional dance and ikat weaving).


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